The are many advantages to hosting your own QuickBooks server, as a small business owner I know that accounting is often a portion of business that most would prefer to avoid, but we all know it’s a necessity that when done properly will add significant value to your business. Hosting a remote server versus running off your local machine provides enhanced security in a physical sense being that your important financial data is not susceptible to theft/fire/other equipment failure, additionally having the air gap between your local PC and your QB data protects you from malware, hacking and other remote security threats. We have our services configured to make it as easy as possible to connect and setup, we provide constant uptime, fast connections, security and automated data backup services.
We have been partnering with accounting firms and QuickBooks training firms for some time now to provide QuickBooks servers to their clients. In meeting with these agencies I have found that there is a real gap in service when it comes to QuickBooks server providers. In meeting with some of the QuickBooks Pro advisors the feedback provided about other hosts included warning signs such as; multiple days to deploy servers, simple VPS with RDP connection, inability to access across devices & downtime.
Trust ArmaHosts to handle your remote QuickBooks server.
- We can handle server setup/QB installations.
- Use your own QB license.
- We partner with QB servicing firms if additional training or setup is needed.
- 24/7 live support via our website and support ticket system.
- We own all the hardware the servers are hosted on and the servers are housed in professional/commercial datacenters (Oregon and New Jersey).
- Daily/Monthly Backups as requested.
- Connect via VNC
o Simply download our app on desktop or Mobil and is accessible via any device including PC (windows/Mac) or mobile (android/apple etc).
o More Secure than a simple remote desktop connection (RDP).
- Configured so that multiple users can access at one time.
o Use the ability to have an accounting professional move the mouse on the screen of the client and demonstrate a process / show information.
o Configurable so multiple users can edit content at one time.
What really sells ArmaHosts as a business is our dedication to customer service, we have staff on all the time to support our customers. For our business clients we really want to make sure you have the best service, we are happy to tailor a solution to your business needs, we can add additional applications and provide general support to your business technology needs.
Check out our QB services here and reach out to us to get started:
Looking forward to discussing this further with you,
Jacob D.
ArmaHosts – Managing Partner.